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Sat 01 Mar 2025 - Sat 08 Mar 2025
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Badminton (Panoramastrasse 1) +41 (0)27 957 24 75 super-dome.ch
Dog Sledding.
Glacier Ice Grotto.
Horse riding.
Ice climbing.
Ice Skating.
Sleigh Rides.
Swimming Pool (Panoramastrasse 1) +41 (0)27 957 24 75 super-dome.ch
Tennis-Indoor (Panoramastrasse 1) +41 (0)27 957 24 75 As above
About half of Saas Fee’s 30 or so shops are food or ski shops, but there’s a nice selection of small boutiques too that are fun to browse. Along with a florists and photographic store the Haus der Geschenke sells toys, games and souvenirs. Herbort is the main jewellers in the village where you can buy Swiss watches duty free, if you have francs to spare.