Top Tips for Booking Ski Lessons
© Ongosa
1. It’s fun
Whether you’re nailing a parallel turn or starting out on a nursery slope for the first time, you’ll be guaranteed a good time. The knowledge of a local instructor coupled with the opportunity to meet new people makes ski lessons a lot of fun.
2. Get inspired by the best
Ski instructors know their stuff, from the best pre-ski fuel spots, to the quietest slopes, you’ll quickly get to grips with the area you’re visiting, especially if it’s the first time. Instructors train all of the time too – sometimes even three times a week, to make sure they’re at the top of their game.
© Ongosa
3. Everyone can learn something new
No matter what level of skier you are, there’s always something new to be learnt. Old habits die hard, especially if you’re out of practice or haven’t had a lesson in a while. Ski lessons provide a good way to brush up on your old skills.
4. Less chance of an injury
As the saying goes, the easiest way to injure yourself is to be taught by your other half. Your mates and partners might be great skiers and supportive when teaching you, but your progress is likely to be more structured and quicker with a professional. Why? Because they’re fully qualified - not to become an amazing skier, but to inform, educate and assist you on the slopes.
5. Ongosa does the leg work for you
There’s a new way to book your ski lessons! Ongosa is a team of ski professionals who will match you with the best, local instructor(s) in any resort across Europe. This means that the planning is taken out of finding your ski instructor and lesson(s), and completed by a team who spends their working weeks matching people to the right instructors.
The team at Ongosa have also pre-vetted all of the ski instructors they work with, meaning you’ll be in safe hands on the slopes.
What types of lesson are out there?
A private lesson is the best for somebody new to skiing, a group of friends or family who want to ski together, or high-level skiers looking for intense coaching. It’s all down to what you set out to achieve.
© Ongosa
You’ll be with a mix of people who are of a similar standard or ability, in a group lesson. You should book a group lesson if you would like to learn with others of a similar ability to yourself. Group lessons are fun, pre-planned and cheaper than a private lesson. Remember, group lessons usually run for five or six days and you’ll need to define your level of skiing before committing.
Guiding is ideal for somebody looking to be shown around the mountains or going off-piste away from the slopes. Whether you’re looking to find the best powder stashes or restaurants, a guide is your sure-fire way to have a good time. Guiding is great for being shown around a resort and finding fresh tracks when nobody else can.
So there you have it, our 5 top reasons to book a ski lesson and a short insight in to the different lessons out there. Beat the crowd and impress your mates by booking your lessons with Ongosa.